Discover The Positive Power Of The Green Coffee Processing Method. Depending on the weather conditions, climate, soil, sugar content, coffee variety, and desired flavor of the product line we want to create, we will decide to choose and implement the processing method. Which green coffee is best?
Three of the most popular green coffee processing methods in the world are natural, washed/wet, and honey. Naturally processed coffee beans are dried whole before being peeled and the green beans are obtained. Wet-processed coffee is separated from the skin and flesh of the coffee fruit, then fermented to remove the mucilage layer before being dried, removing the skin and obtaining the green bean.
Honey processing bridges the gap between wet-processed coffee and naturally processed coffee; The coffee cherries are crushed, removing the outer skin of the coffee berries, leaving only the kernel and the mucilage layer (sugar), covering the outside of the coffee beans. This method seems to use very little water. Discover The Positive Power Of The Green Coffee Processing Method
And here are detailed descriptions of the differences between green coffee processing method:
1/ Washed Processed Coffee
In wet processing, the outer skin of the coffee cherries is removed before they are dried. Coffee processed using the wet method is called washed/wet coffee. This method requires the use of specialized equipment and uses a significant amount of water. Wet processed coffee focuses only on coffee beans. Focus on the flavors inherent within the coffee bean, not on the outside.
The skin covering the outside of the ripe coffee fruit is removed by a grinding machine accompanied by a large amount of water. The coffee beans still have a small amount of coffee skin remaining, however they must be removed, finished in the following steps. Next, the fermentation process must be carefully monitored to ensure that the coffee does not acquire an unwanted sour flavor. For most coffees, removal of mucilage through fermentation takes anywhere from 8 to 36 hours, depending on temperature, thickness of the mucilage layer, and concentration of enzymes.
Once again, after the fermentation process takes place, the remaining silk skins are completely removed, leaving only the coffee beans (covered by a thin outer layer called rice husks). Coffee beans are dried in the sun to about 12-13% moisture and this process takes 5 to 7 days. Finally, the coffee bean – the rice husk is completely dry and can be easily removed during the peeling process.
Wet-processed coffee reflects both the science of growing and cultivating impeccable coffee and the fact that farmers are an integral part of creating the flavor of the coffee bean. When looking at washed coffee, it is clear that the country of origin and environmental conditions play an important role in adding flavor.
That means that wet green coffee processing can highlight the true unique origin characteristics of a coffee variety (single origin coffee). That also partly demonstrates why so many specialty coffees use this processing method. Unveiling The Impact Of Green Coffee Processing Methods
2/ Natural/Dry Processed Coffee
Natural processing, also known as dry processing, is one of the oldest methods of processing green coffee. All ripe coffee cherries after harvest are first cleaned and then placed on a drying rack or spread in thin layers on the porch under the sun. Although it requires less investment and seems simpler, it still requires certain climatic conditions to ensure the coffee beans are dried to basic standards.
After the coffee is washed, floated to remove impurities (soil, rocks, sticks, branches) and poor quality beans (green, flat, rotten fruit), the fresh coffee cherries are 100% ripe will prepare to enter the fermentation stage. Coffee cherries are spread thinly under the sun. The drying operation is the most important stage of the process, as it affects the final quality of green coffee beans.
Coffee beans that are too dry will become brittle and produce too many broken beans during the peeling process (Broken coffee beans are considered defective coffee beans). On the contrary, coffee beans that are too moist will be susceptible to rapid deterioration due to attack by fungi and bacteria. Coffee beans are dried in the sun to a moisture content of 12-13% and takes 25 to 30 days.
Coffee processed using natural methods has the ability to create the best coffees. If consistency can be achieved, naturally processed coffee can offer some interesting, more pronounced notes and flavor profiles typical of tropical fruit, mint, herbal flavor groups. Unveiling The Impact Of Green Coffee Processing Methods
3/ Honey/Pulped Natural Coffee
The processing title “honey” leads many people to assume that honey is an ingredient used in the production of coffee or that the coffee tastes like honey but that is not the case! This process gets its name from the sticky feeling that the mucus/sugar layer in the ripe coffee fruit skin adheres to, like honey of coffee beans when dried. When a coffee bean is separated from the coffee cherry, it is still covered in a layer of mucilage which, when dried, continues to absorb moisture from the air and becomes sticky. Coffee beans are dried in the sun to 12-13% moisture and takes 10 to 20 days.
Honey processing bridges the gap between wet and natural processed coffees as it often possesses the body and sweetness of natural processing while retaining some of the acidity of wet processing. . Coffee processed with honey often has full body and a long sweet aftertaste with a balanced sour taste.
Some variations of honey processing methods include: white honey, yellow honey, red honey, and black honey. This reflects the likelihood that the processing involved, affects the flavor and overall profile of a coffee. It could become a method of in-depth scientific research, as the level of mucilage – which affects the sweetness and body of the coffee – is monitored and controlled. Typically, the more mucilage left on the coffee bean, the sweeter the flavor. Unveiling The Impact Of Green Coffee Processing Method
You see, a naturally processed or honey-processed coffee requires that the skin that covers the outside of the ripe coffee fruit must be delicious. However, wet-processed coffee depends almost 100% on the coffee fruit absorbing enough natural sugars and nutrients during its growing cycle. This means that the variety, the soil, the weather, maturity, how the fermentation, washing and drying process takes place are absolutely important.
Coffee processing is an integral part of creating the signature flavor of your delicious cup of coffee. We hope that this article can help you understand more about green coffee processing methods and the differences between washed, natural and honey processing. That’s also how we do it, trying every day to add value to Vietnamese Coffee to the world. Unveiling The Impact Of Green Coffee Processing Methods